Reich Angus

Mardee Reich • 701-873-4173



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Connealy Capitalist 028 #16752262 (AMF-NHF):
  • Unmatched in his ability to transmit body mass, base width and visual muscle
  • A proven calving ease sire that adds dimension every time
  • Cowmaker deluxe, his daughters are easy keeping with perfect udders and raise heavy calves

Connealy Mentor 7374 AAA # 15832714:
  • Mentor is a Proven Maternal Powerhouse!
  • He offers added Muscle and Performance with a notch of Stature
  • Sons are Range-Ready and his replacement daughters are Broody keepers with Excellent foot quality

Basin Payweight 1682 AAA#17038724:
  • Payweight is an outcross Curve Bender!
  • He offers Solid Calving Ease and added Muscle with a lot of Body Mass while retaining a Moderate frame
  • Sons express added rib dimension and muscle while his first daughters have that brood cow look

SAV Resource 1441 AAA # 17016597:
  • Resource has become an ICON!
  • He has the ability to sire Growth, Carcass Merit, and Maternal characteristics in 1 package!
  • He offers natural fleshing ability, with THICKness, Muscle, Masculinity, Superb Structure and Feet Quality
  • Sons have Unprecedented Performance while his daughters are Broody with Quality Udders and abundant Milk

SAV Final Answer 0035 AAA # 13592905:
  • Final Answer is an All-Around Champion!
  • He offers Superior Proven Versatility from his Calving Ease to Growth Spread
  • Sons are Born without issue and Grow like Weeds while his daughters have Proven themselves to us time and again
  • We are looking forward to his 2016 calf crop!


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